Hello there~Chef Teddy's Cooking Class is back!!!Location: Semangkuk Café of PJ Palms Sports Centre~Great Place to have fun with friends and family.While Mommy & JieJie are in the Cooking Class, Daddy & GoGo can go for a PADI Discover Scuba with Seamonkey Dive Centreor a swim~ or squash~or more!!Come & check it out!!PLACES ARE LIMITED! (Maximum 15 kids per class)1. CUPCAKE JOYDate: 5 Feb 2012 (Sun)Time: 10am - 12pmPrice:...
Cupcakes in BIG Picture~
Think outside the cupcake! Cupcakes in BIG Picture is just fascinating, isn't it?The assembly makes lots of fun!! INGREDIENTS18 cupcakes1 (16-ounce) can of vanilla frostingdark-chocolate frostingfood coloring (orange, blue)4 square cookies (we used Lorna Doones)2 graham crackersblue sugarmini chocolate doughnutsgummy rings (orange, yellow)2 blue-lollipop sticksJunior MintsM&Msmini M&Mscandy fruit sliceINSTRUCTIONS1) From...
Grilled marshmallow
Nothing can beat grilled marshmallows! hehe…if you think it's too sweet to eat alone, try it with something else…. I LOVE grilled marshmallows! Just like Snoopy does~ *v*BiscuitsBananaCa...
Grilled Fruits
Even the FRUITS love the beautiful char-lines~PineapplePeachBananaAppleso.. what other fruits will love BBQ?...
Cartoon characters on bento
Cartoon characters on bento~~ oh.. Kawaii~neh!!!so let's see who we got here… mmm… Super MarioSulley and Mikethe Simpsons familySnow...